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April 24, 2024

If you missed it, Stefan offered a brief review of the Fallout series on Sunday ( a little after 1:22:50).

I’ve been grieving in a sense. The games, at one time a kind of shelter for me, probably helped in no small part to nurture my suspicion of power and the mythology on which it stands. But their odd flavor of science fiction which almost didn’t make it to market—that eerie, anachronistic walk in the wilderness between a crazy home and a crazy world which resonated with millions has, as a matter of course, been grabbed hold of and wielded like a super sledge against us by its writers for television. Stefan’s initial resistance to analyzing this attack inspired me to begin to lay out the following for you all a while ago. I’m late to the party, but as an old fan of the franchise I now just aim to add that perspective to the conversation; to offer more of a comparative look and a few thoughts. Certainly not the final word on post-apocalyptic fiction.

First, the show’s gross. I think we understand why screenwriters generally want to hurt us, but per what I have to offer, what makes this "Fallout" wrong—a rank corruption of the more nuanced dark humor that characterized the games? Well imagine, if you will: cheery propaganda papers the walls of an abandoned and crumbling office building. Here you might gun down a pack of snarling mutants while an uppity old-timey jazz number blares over your wrist-mounted radio. We’re invited to chuckle at the irony. The tonal dissonance and madness our character might at times even participate in. And then there are so many moments when, for example, that radio signal cuts out and we’re caught alone with our thoughts, that the full horror of this environment, if we’ve avoided it, hits like a bomb. Like the frame of a house bathed in nuclear fire, the gravity of the situation is laid bare. It’s an instructive humor, I think. Swallow the lies and distractions at your own peril, it warns. A far cry from the false, defensive laughter inflicted throughout the show in the creepy, vaguely pornographic way it repeatedly displays innocence destroyed. Where the games invite depth, the show trains us against it. To detach.

And on the topic of RTR we have to talk about ghouls. I’m always curious about what it might mean when radiation is treated as magic. In Fallout it gives rise to a number of impossible creatures. It can turn people into shriveled, raspy things whose extended lifespans more often than not come at the cost of their reason, so the comparison to boomers, or, people who’ve unrepentantly inflicted generational harm for government benefits, is more apt than Stef may have known when he made it. They are literally sustained by extreme carnage wrought by the state. Certain ghouls in the games, called “Glowing Ones”, even emit baleful green waves of radioactive material, gradually poisoning and transforming everything within their haunt. Surely these are the most advanced in their lack of free will. Notably feral ghouls abide one another but immediately swarm and destroy anything unlike them (and game writers have been back and forth on whether they even need to eat what they kill). Looking into what causes a ghoul’s progressive descent into madness in Fallout 3 will yield that it’s probably manageable by maintaining deep personal connections: It’s chiefly those isolated and dysfunctional ghouls in the wild that end up turning. It’s probably not unimportant that for purposes of the show this detail about staving off madness as a casualty of the war was changed so that ghouls just require vials of what might be RadAway (or RadShield from Fallout 76). A drug treatment.

I also just want to restate what someone mentioned in the live: the bombs were absolutely the fault of the state. Multiple games have as the main antagonist a faction comprised of the most evil and conspiratorial members of the remaining United States government. Yeah. Show’s as abominable as the Master itself.

Anecdotal: I have seen and still hear about how these are apparently the only games women will just watch played for hours. Something about seeing how your man will do after the end?

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think.

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Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!

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Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!

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My Marriage is Worth FIVE DOLLARS!
Exclusive For Donors Only: Part 1 of the Premium Series on Objectivism

Don't miss part 1 of the 2008 era epic premium series on OBJECTIVISM!

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Brief Summary:

In this lecture, I explore objectivism and its roots in my intellectual journey shaped by Ayn Rand. Delving into Rand's impact on metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics, I discuss strengths and weaknesses, including challenges in deriving moral principles. I stress the importance of crafting irrefutable ethical arguments and advocate for nuanced reasoning over simplistic assertions in philosophical discourse.

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Thank you Stefan for the time and dedication you put into your books. Just finished The Present, and it was great, the plot and dialogue especially. Hope you do something with Arlo at some point. Looking forward to reading and discussing Peaceful Parenting with others. You've changed so many lives with your offerings.

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Exclusive For Donors Only: The ‘Anxiety Holds My Life Back’ Call in!

We have remastered the 2021 lockdown era premium show ‘Anxiety Holds My life Back!’

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Brief Summary

Stefan Molyneux discusses themes of female desire in Lisa Taddeo’s “Three Women” and offers insights on cyclic anxiety to a caller named Lewis. The conversation delves into financial instability as a root cause of anxiety, managing success-related anxiety, and societal structures impacting generational anxiety. Family dynamics, hidden stressors, and the importance of communication are explored, along with personal experiences of paternal relationships. The speaker reflects on familial complexities, emotional struggles post-separation, and the impact of a father’s behavior on rejection and insecurities. The importance of redefining manhood, masculinity, and fatherhood along moral lines is stressed, advocating for genuine engagement and support ...

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Freedomain Premium Content!
In the vast tapestry of human experience, this collection of premium content stands as a beacon of reflection and introspection! Each episode is a journey into the complexities of our shared existence. From the intricate dance of self-forgiveness to the harrowing tales of personal adversity, these moments of life challenge, provoke, and inspire.

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Thanks for all your support my friends - if you could take a look at these draft ebooks, I would really appreciate it!



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Peaceful Parenting Part 26
The end...

Discussion on parental excuses impact parenting behaviors. Advocates empathy, conflict resolution, prioritizing children over punishment. Encourages rethinking norms for peaceful parenting.

2024, Stefan Molyneux
Peaceful Parenting

Brief Summary
In this enlightening discussion, we explored the intricate world of parental excuses and their impact on parenting behaviors. The speaker categorized common justifications for parental aggression towards children and highlighted the historical context often used to rationalize such actions. Emphasizing the complexity of parent-child relationships, the conversation scrutinized moral standards applied to parents and children, challenging inconsistencies and advocating for improved conflict resolution skills over punitive measures. The episode also delved into the effects of different parenting styles on discipline and children's well-being, stressing the importance of prioritizing children's needs and fostering mutual understanding and empathy in parent-child interactions. Ultimately, the lecture encouraged listeners to reconsider traditional parenting norms, promote compassionate familial relationships, and embrace peaceful parenting practices for the betterment of all involved.

0:00 Parental Excuses
0:27 Reasonable Parental Excuses
1:36 The Pattern of Parental Excuses
1:58 Different Moral Standards for Adults and Children
2:38 Parents' Responsibilities vs. Children's Chores
4:17 Absolutes in Parenting Situations
4:53 Examples of Parental Excuses
10:26 Moving Forward Excuse
12:09 Threatening with Parental Authority
12:59 Parents' Lack of Curiosity About Children's Problems
14:00 Parenting Jokes and Excuses
14:25 Excuse of "Just Joking"
15:43 Parents' Double Standards in Communication
18:01 Parents' Rules in Comparison to Hotel Rules
18:24 Hypocrisy in Parental Behavior
21:25 Incremental Improvements vs. Principles
24:40 Parental Claim of "Hurts Me More"
25:49 Misinterpretation of Biblical Texts
29:03 Comparison Excuses in Parenting
29:56 Excuse of "You'll Understand When You're a Parent"
30:46 Sibling Conflicts Excuse
34:08 Excuse of "That's How I Was Raised"
36:16 Excuse of "They Turned Out Fine"
38:07 Imaginary Disaster Scenarios Excuse
39:34 No Excuse for Children, No Excuse for Parents
42:22 Free Will vs. Environmental Determinism in Parenting
44:06 Challenges of Being a Peaceful Parent
1:06:00 The Shadows Cast by Your Actions
1:19:21 Transparent and Pathetic Manipulation
1:28:19 The Promise of Imaginary Future Benefits


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