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Some more of my teenage poems...
October 26, 2022

Puppets and Kites


Deep beneath the dreams of Man

Where cross-eyed patricians strip-search scripture

In search of their emperor’s clothing

The masses gather in a windy field

Their kite-lines spearing the eye of God

Like telephone-poles in a stream of motion

Strung from the angels who dip and shout, seasick and giddy.


Rising on a hot current of hate

They soar, straining their ropes, their wings flashing mightily

To raise their glory

Weighed to the earth by the strangled hymns

Rising from the noosed necks hanging below

Anchors of man

The subjugated.




A Tourist in the Eye of God


What a propulsion!

I gripped the stars

Flung them behind

And rising faster than thought could find

Or momentum follow

Flew headlong into the eye of God

Grasped the infinite Iris

And turned it on the rise of Man.


Like guilty squatters the angels fell

Baring their robes and scattering feathers

They hauled on the ropes of mankind’s well

Jerking us up from our beds of heather.


Scratching our hides we barked with surprise

As we lifted our heads to scan the skies

The first mute beasts to lift up our eyes

And damned among those who never ask why.


Scalded by thunder and lit by rain

Stirred by the echoes of countless years

We clasped our heads in helpless pain

For the source of the sound was no longer our ears.


We fled to our caves, but it wasn’t enough

The burning skies cried out for a name

For the angels had pulled us up from our trough

And we screamed in fear as the skies came again.


When one of us cried a singular sound

The thunder softened and blew away

We lowered our heads and gathered around

In thanks that he’d found the right Word to say


We built a high hut and kneeled on the straw

And, praising the Word the man had said

Heard a woman who’d eaten the heart of a boar

Had birthed a child and hadn’t even bled.


Now this was a deed we all admired

So we left our praise and went hunting for boar

A healthy child we all desired

We seemed to have found the power of law.


Soon our lives were ordered, secure

Until the day, though sated with blood

A woman had a child most impure

Which she buried alone in the streaming mud.


Something was wrong; there’d been a disruption

We took great pains to understand

At last we found there’d been a corruption

The rite hadn’t gone as planned.


The boar she had eaten was pregnant in fact

The Word disliked such vice

So we thought it a useful point of tact

To have a little sacrifice.


Soon it got too complex for words

This, that, it got hard to tell

He ate a boar while looking at birds

She sang a song while ringing a bell.


Our only question was: who was to blame

For failing to cause the required effect?

Fights and visions; soon the time came

When ordering it all required an elect.


We surrendered the right to set our own laws

To the group who had come up with the most

We little knew they would soon be the cause

Of turning our best and our brightest to toast.


As soon as we gave them the power they said

There is no more wisdom for you to acquire

We were silent and shocked, being born and bred

To question the world, and knowledge admire.


But soon it became abundantly clear

The price we had paid for certainty

Those who obeyed became very dear

And the rest all became inflammatory.


For us who obey the living is cheap

Though we scowl at the depths of the angel’s treason

Our children grow up unable to weep

And the rest of us scrabble in search of reason.


Sometimes I sit and think of the woods

Where the angels freed us from ignorant cages

And shooed our desires with “mustn’ts” and “should’s”

Surely one of our sorriest stages.


For now I know the sky is only the sky

The clouds care nothing for our incantation

And by praying for power to pour from on high

We surrendered our reason to imagination.



Gift of the Given


Beasts may pray

For food, sex and shelter

But if God should say

These I grant you

If you burn your legs, teeth and heart

They would snarl at the sky

And lick the earth their life.


All our prayers

Inflame our minds to cinders

And we lick alone

The flames we emblazon.






The Word is God

The world is the Word made flesh

And crucified.


The Word, the howling of the phrase

The Word of centered eyes

In the dark storms of thought.


The Word made flesh

Webbing the skeleton of impossibility.

The Word, a screech of scarecrows

Crying for indigestible food

From want to is in decibels.


Infinite is the antonym of absolute

Eternity the antithesis of life

For Man

Infinite ethics

Make good impossible

And evil irresistible.


Silence this Word.



All Rise


Let us assume that

It is not even a convulsion of sound

But of essence.


A ripple over all that is

The final exhalation of unseen breath

Through starlight, the heart of dark moons

Through the pulsing flesh of animation

Through all the fissures of mind

Twisting, spilling from secret gaps

Gone; no dust stirs

No cape sweeps this stage on leaving…


Staring at the silent stage

Actor gone

Sets, director gone and

Without even a final bow

Theater itself gone

All spotlights now only the glimmer of stars

Stars themselves no longer spotlights

All metaphors gone.



Under the battlements of livid imaginings

Besieged, all heretics freeze at the sudden convulsion

Soldiers stand; all stand

All actors rise

All stages rise

All gaze over the dark distance of space

Feeling the sudden silence, the faint hissing of reacting

Matter content with itself

No longer content, no longer a self

But eyeless, causeless, eternal

Life its own cup

No longer a cup

For beyond

No hand reaches

No tongue twists to taste

No gaze reflects eyes raised to heaven

Not even a mirror; no eyes raise

But remain encased…


On these former battlements

 -- no word for them now --

All rise at this sudden convulsion

The universe no longer alive, not dead

Not born but seen

And all choices finally rest

In the feathered nest of each heart.


Life no longer a womb

Or a passage but itself entire

Stands open for the taking.


All rise.



God Of This World



Sighed the swarthy Devil

Before the silent congregation

An injustice has been done

Virulence is the reflection of virtue

In an unjust state

And this shallow God

In fear of suburbs and sunsets

And air-conditioned temples

Cast me as a shadow of disapproval

To brighten your eyes with blindness.


Your blindness

He said to the staring crowd

Prefers geometry to mountains

And flying fast from the caves of your birth

You spread harsh on the dark sky.

Unable to pierce the infinite clouds

You shiver at the songs of earth

The hymns of visible thought.


Said the devil

You live to see beyond sight

But the walls of death have no purchase

And when life’s infinite direction

Meets death’s infinite mass

Nature replaces movement with momentum

Smashing the eyes of matter

And the blinded atoms shuffle back to her empty workshop

To lie once more among her dusty tools.



But I!

Said the devil, spreading his dark wings

I am the love of unwashed footprints!

Of life stampeding towards the light


Reality bound

Man’s mind, the brief flashing purpose of the universe

Freed to crawl, to walk, to think!

This is my domain!

God you greedy souls!

Cried the devil

Your choice is the envy of nature’s playthings!

Afraid of power, drunk with hoping

You cry for the gravity of God

And you twitch like grinning puppets

Knees down, mind up

Statues before the mirror of beauty

Architects of mental physics

You pray for rain from invisible skies

And make the world a desert of faith.



Said the devil

His wings falling, his red skin parting to reveal the flesh

His horns toppling, arches without a keystone

Your knees are to be the corners of climbing

Up, up and off them

And let us mount the marble stairs

Towards the infinite statue of tangible man.




When Elves Rule


Behold Man

Born good

With a small fatal flaw

A strange corner where dwelleth

Poppies and ogres and uniformed elves

Fairies who dance from leaf to enormous leaf

Never eating or falling or aging

Young in the glass of injustice magnified

Deep within us they dance and sparkle

Like spinning coins over sightless eyes.


No lawyers in their world -- how could there be?

Their freedom is not freedom to

But freedom from.

Theirs is the world beyond never

Where complexity demands legality

Their courts are always feasting.


Left alone

Their eternal pool lies undisturbed

Save an occasional Tolkein jaunt

An Eden retreat

A gap in the spokes of wheels in motion.


Why should we hunt them?

Surely life is hard enough

That sometimes a flight to their distant songs

To dream in midsummer (it is always midsummer)

Is allowable.



Yes -- when the exception proves the rule

And rest is a cure for eventful labour

But for some the elves beckon from cliffs

Their tinny voices sing from sunlight

To broken lives in broken rooms

And the cracks of men widen, eating their senses

And freedom, poor sad and earthbound freedom!

In the face of freedom to lie it dies

And dreamers wake from feasts only to despise

Their unsown fields under earth’s changing skies.


Hunt, hunt these faeries I say!

Pin their hearts to museum tables!

For these dreams strip our bonded flesh

Saying those with wings

Are more family than blood

And the faeries of duty

Honour, country, race and religion

Stream forth.


When faeries swarm, crowds roar in joy

Free from the rods of absolutes

They race around with butterfly nets

Laughing, crashing, falling

New gods sprouting from their eager eyes.


They ignore the closing shutters of greatness

And never hear the earth begin to groan

Under the fear-laden steps

Of the heaviest elves

Whose courts always feast

On blood.






To what do I owe my parents?

This sort of poem can be very short

Or very long.


In short --

Construct is not contract.


In long --

We have seen shelter, food and water

Rules, punishment, confinement and reward

Among arctic snows and barbed wire

Yet we ask no gratitude

From the victims of obligation

No more than we ask that they honour

Their enforcers

Or return to what they must escape.


All patriots marry to whom it may concern

And divorce the flesh beyond the image.

Convicts who respect their judges

Will replace them

Thus the obligation lies upon

The defense.




Face the Curse


Her face, a treasure of boating

Hoves into view

Beaching on powder from a sea of scent.


Her gown, the arc

Of a waterfall, rises to her neck

Hung with pearls the divers bought.

Her liquid lips mask the golden teeth

Of swimmers drowned in adulation.

Sea-queen she walks on foaming praise

Barefoot in daring and tickled by noses

She laughs at the breath of kisses on toes.


No children, eternal life assured

By the blood of the painters below her windows

Her youth is forever for those who daub.

Unique till the moon rises

She walks in wide twilight alone

Armed with the ghosts of passion and space…


While on the canvasses of the thinning crowd

Hang the watercolours of impending rain.




Morning in Jerusalem


Morning in Jerusalem

Scales the light up the rugged wall

In her room past frayed muslin cloth

She rises, smooth as the sun

And heats without humming the water.


The men stir in the next room

Patriarchs with night-scratches

They heave and groan

She brings coffee

To their room without windows.


Reminded of morning they scowl and spit

As busy men she dresses them.

They talk in code of the world and importance

She watches them eating

Their beards and smell

Linger as they trudge downstairs.


She shirks and watches from windows

Down in the market they talk of ships

Their coloured robes turning like lizards

In the sun they jabber of distant storms.


Their women watch from under the shutters

Then turn to their spices and start to grind.




Where Fishes Swim in Air, She Breathes


She preened

Oh yes!

Her only flight was her feathers

And the sagging of her soul

Shrinking as her face grew

Hung wrinkled beneath her flashing plumage.


The man, whoever the love she sought

Passed her by in a rush of sound

Sighs and mirrors, an ambulance at high speed

She chased him, a stalking lawyer in search of flesh

At parties she was the center of the storm.


And when, bald and featherless

She mounted her last perch

To collect of her scant memories

She saw behind her only a desert bed

Where her beauty had parted the waters

And she had danced past the aquarium walls of observation.


And in that parched reef

Where her seas should have teemed with bright fishes

Bubbling children and gracious age

Lay only a wilderness afraid of the tide

And as she had wetted her starry face with her fingertips

She had spun from the sea to the mover of seas.






Her shack, her entire life is salt

Her man, peppered by surf

Rolls in and out; to keep herself

She misses him as he bends his beard to her breast

And strokes his hair as he talks of the sea.


Fish he leaves in mountains twice a year

In a cupboard she opens by candlelight

In odd nights asleep and wild-eyed

They flop and twitch at the beat of her light

Each thump a day, a tick, a year

Knife-tailing through her hide of hope.


At night, when up to her knees in salt

She thinks of a thought she might send to his ship

That in her swam seas he could fish forever

And, leaning over his boat

He would see through the green bottle-neck

Her eyes alive, waiting, arms crossed

Over the stillness of mermaid depths

Such a vivid calling!

He would cry spit at the sun and dive down abubbled and bulging

His hair like a fan, gasping for a touch

A kiss to rob him of his passion for air

The bursting lungs, the bounding feet, forever the ocean their love…


This dream she dreams while salting at night

No tears in the halo of a single candle

Crooked planks like sailors sleeping in the wind.


Far in the darkness her man shouts at spray

Hauling his nets

He thinks of her twice before sunrise.




Just Until…


Born a free soul

She reared to her father

Bowed to her husband

Flowed over her son.


Rising early

She warmed the tea

Over the only fire she knew

And woke her lords with soft sorries

Gentle eyes and downcast breasts

A perfect piece of self-made plumbing

The waters of her life disappeared

Without a murmur

Sure that the sewers held her reward…


One cold morning in a distant home

When the angel of procrastination came

She fled towards her reward

And just before there was nothing left to find

She saw no banquets for the starved

No crowns for the abdicated

And far too late she railed against

The chilling regret

Of quietly discharged atoms.




I Spy Soldier


I saw you, you know

When you turned towards the fire

I saw the ashes rise in your throat

And your eyes sink in shimmering sorrow.


I saw you, and part of me died

To see the funeral of your future

Pass before me, ragged and open

To an unmarked early grave.





They are not pillars.

They are the gutters of our future

Their rain-streams of lacerating guilt

Deface our posters of youth.


Sympathy they cry from their megaphones

Dutiful to themselves they mutter duty for us

And our dreams of conquest are the cleaning of bedpans

At their knotted feet as they whimper and rock of liberty.





Here it is clear; let us assemble

Let us speak.


We were without trial

Prisoners of no conscience

No writs were pinned to our doors

No lawyers hungry for justice or fame

Stood between us and our sentences

No courts passed but those that feed in the night…


Let us listen…

Even now, the doors creak

All sleep

Wife, children, conscience sleeps

Even God pales before such devils

Fearful He holds no hands for us.


What nails slide on soft sheets?

Oh!  Sleep we seem that he may awaken

Oh Justice!  Policemen chew doughnuts on far corners

As our legs scissor and whimper.

Force-fed, we gag

Clutching covers woven by good men

Who thought of flannel and comfort and smiles

No vision of dark sheets draped over the innocent

Like a spread of leaden tombs…


This frozen touch

This sonnet of icy need

These gripping hands that pulse and cling

Drumming our hearts like a flying pendulum

Such hands should water and warm

Not burrow.



Our legacy…

Our teeth taste no sweet fruit

Our filled mouths became cavities

Drilled and torn, silent at the root.

Our hollow gardens, sown with silence

Speak only of sin.


You wish to hear our speeches?

Listen quietly; these are not words

We have no tongues; they have been used

We are not masters of our mouths

We are banks robbed by night deposits

You ask for witnesses?

What witnesses?

No cameras know these robberies

No eyes see

There is no light here…


Listen quietly

These cries are hushed

Drowned by the applause of cars and collars and caddies.

Lift our bright conversation

What camps lie here!

What cannibals hunt rare meat!

How these lip-smacking bone-juggling

Painted foreheads lower over their green feasts!

What wet jungles shriek in silent houses!


Listen carefully

For we are portraits of smiles

After-images of bright life.

We braid our hair where predators tread

We flinch at dark eyes on white dresses

Wide hands and stretched mouths no defense

Silent they entered us

Became us

Through portraits, through walls

These cold claws shattered our natural vessels

Spreading our shards in strange shapes

Puzzles with no picture

Each piece a portrait of loss.

Hung alone

We wander our shocked galleries.


Hear this prosecution

This incomprehension:

To be taken by predators on a lonely plain

May be accepted, even by young prey

Yet in the midst of others; do you not wonder

That at your bus-stop these growlings and dartings of flesh

Remain unseen?


How strange that we should hunt bears from our forests

Squirrels from out attics

And termites from our foundations

Yet these crunching beasts

Should leave no scents for our fast dogs.


Proud of our present we smile

At museum savages

And return to our carpeted caves.






Let us sit simply and talk of life

For the eloquence of our deeds

Is too often silent in words.


Let us listen…

A rare seasoned traveler

Who has known other paths

Will call through these blinding trees…


I have tasted the rock of philosophy

Spun the mad whirl of passion

Foamed and spat with creation

Sat and reasoned of business

Wept and washed stains of love

Squeezed analysis from sightless pores

Turned books into butterflies

Raged at hopelessness

Fought indifference

And even, in dark corners

Turned blades against myself.


Here are the cries of many roads

Hear their echo:


Life is nothing

A pulse

Shared with single cells.

Life is a sheet of white noise

Over the silence of what is life?


What are we?

We are not the sole animation of matter

It passes through us, on no journey

Snow falls easier than we rise.


Life is ungranted

It does not approach

Life is inert

A monk and a wink

A woman and a phone

A passive perhaps.


Life does not wait

It holds no breath

Breathe or fade

Make or break love

Walk or run

What matter?

We hurry to meet only ourselves.


The world does not watch

The eyes of hurricanes are only holes

The world does not grasp

Waters embrace us as easy as rain.


We are unrecorded


Virtue parts no hail

Love conducts no lightning

Two men in a wood

One bad, one good

Are both eaten by wolves.


We stare at no mirrors

The eyes of God are simply suns

They do not flame for us

Our blood

Held or spilled

Loves neither.


If life were longer

We would plan


We would act

Stirring past the right time of morning

We dream


If life were easier

We would have no why not

Harder -- no why

Our long lines of laugh, cry, sigh and stop

Would wave less wild.


Life is shadowed…


We dart; it trails us

Like a dogged bill

To be paid by addressee

We nomads, out past streetlights

Are called home, constantly

Return to indifference

Whispers Death

Return to the slow embrace of unfeeling arms

Death smiles at strivings

What cars!  What boats!  What sunny promotions!

How fevered these biddings!

Buy!  Buy!  I am patient.

I will always outbid you


Death sits soft

In the shallows of the busy

Satisfied at smug evasion

You are unafraid

Smiles Death

Good -- you are like the trees

Half mine

Avert your gaze!

Be my guest!

Only my eyes deny



Life is provoked…


What trumpets can startle this slumber?

Fear of risk is fear of life!

How often does this panic strike us

When we have slipped from our dizzy treehouses

Into the slow hammocks of our fathers

Ease and iced tea lazy on the belly

The sports section our athletics.

The indignity of sex chastised us long ago

We lost our manhood; expensed it

Deducted it, crossed at the lights with it

Fed it sensibly, did not strain it

Civilized it; did we ever think

It required a dangerous diet?


Life is risked…


Hot brand!

Sizzling senses!

A high blue thunderclap!

Here is liberty from indifference!

Clouds give and disappear

We give and become weather!

We cannot lose in love; if we do

We know we have lost; we gain this

One guest burns the bed; another steals the towels

What do we care?  Make more!  These are trifles!

For if we fear love; if we forget death --

We ask for deposits, hold security

Demand a home from those on holiday

And become habitual guides

Blinding travelers to our wildness

Nothing here but malls!

They cry, lens caps on

As we hurry them past our seething jungles.



Life is lost…

Born crying; dead with a sigh

Our voices fade for want of echoes.

How we howl, midnight beasts in nappies!

How eloquent are our passions!

Our early sounds sink in soft cotton

Our groping feet plow plush carpets

Falling, we flail for words

Imitation our only rope

Hanging, we find ourselves alone

The backs we walk on turned away…

Are we crushed by this indifference?

Does our art vanish for want of audience?


Ahh -- in the union of I and eye

We disappear

The eyes of others are the eyes of death

Blind to life

We act for rocks

Eloquent for imaginary applause.


What cry replies?

If we live, strive, fight

Or fail, tire, fall

The world wrinkles regardless

Our why’s and why not’s

Flow from us, homeless, fading

Catching on similar souls

Which fade in turn…


Listen -- listen to the distant cry of this single traveler!

You are not here for the pleasure of the world

Or others

But yourself


Life is nothing

To all but one

To that one:






Talent is self-doubt

On fast-forward.



Who Was I?


Was I even the scything light of a passing car

As you huddled in your bed

Shivering and talking of lovers?


Who was I

When you took to bed

And gripped my head

Begging for friendship

Who was my friend?


When you sparked your hands

And flamed my face

Did you know

I learned to tie my shoes?


When you became a screaming script

And I darted under my seat

Could you see beyond the spotlights?


Who was I

In these dark times?

Tell me: was I your father?

Was I your ex-husband

Leering at your lipstick?

Was I a distant uncle

Close in the tangled grip

Of a silent night?

Was I a jackboot at midnight?

A falling cage of choice?

Did I bar you from your life?



Did I hurt you?

Or were you evil?

Was I a catalyst

Or an excuse?


Tell me

I need to know:

I see children

My heart opens

I whirl them in laughter.


You saw children

Your heart closed

Beyond tears

You beat, lashed, burned.


Shrouded in torn sails

I caressed my sheets

Sucked my thumb

Drove my soul



Tell me

I need to know:

Did your soul fade in the shadow of sin?

Did your world tighten, constrict?

Did you learn to fear remorse?

Were you ever at ease?


Here -- I will speak your secrets

Unblinded by even a distant dusk of love

I will tell you of yourself:



You saw me at the helm of a train.

Pinned by past crimes

You screamed at my demonic mask

Pulled rocks from the tracks

And hurled them at my windshield

The more you raged

The faster I came

Accelerating self-defense

Skin him!

Drink his blood!

He will destroy me!

He is evil!


Listen; I know your secret.

I know the justice of the damned:

Those I wrong

Wrong me

With guilt

So I wrong them



Oh yes

I know the easy secrets

Of obsession.

Yet the deeper secret…

In the whirlpool of this slow demise

Who was I?

That is hard, hard…

For then I was nothing

A trigger

A justification

A secret shame

And hated exposure

A bomb clutched

For fear of ticking

A nomad of guilt


But uprooted


But discarded.


Who was I

In that dark world?

I can tell

For now

I know.


I was an angel

Defying devils.


I was an angel

With an angel’s knowledge of evil.

At night I twitched my wings

Under the torturing skylight

For even then I knew

That devils sometimes sleep.

I watched and waited

And, in a short span of snoring

I leapt and shot through the square of sky

Rose in a flower of snow

Circled once and grinned below

At the devils snarling at an empty hell

Then soared and flew to the distant mountains.


In these peaks I wait

Settling towards myself

Cold?  Yes, I suppose so…

But this soothing steam

Smoothes my fevered soul

And as the scalding settles to sauna

I hear the echo of distant sounds

A parade, a festival, a just war

I cannot tell…


Soon, though

I will

For then I was nothing

But now I am

A truth-teller.



Make Tracks


An evil train flashed past

Torn on the tracks

I fled.

Huddling under my bed

The train came again.


Mind racing; no game

Endless experiments

My conclusion:

Checking the schedule brings the train

Avoiding the train brings the train

Speaking of the train brings the train

Silence, speech, resistance, passivity

Flight, fight, madness, reason

Motion, stillness, hiding, daring

All bring the train.


Shiver under your bed

All night

If you think of the train

It will come

If you forget the train

It will come.


How I dreamed of my relationship to this thunder!

How I imagined myself a passenger!

Groping for my ticket

I begged and flustered

Do not throw me from the train!


Cried the conductor

Flinging me from the window

Your life is a train.





A hook

Mistaking itself for a fish


A fisher

Mistaking the hook for a fish

Beat it

And ate it up

Spat it out

And beat it again

For hurting.

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