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Great questions, thanks!
Hi Stef, regarding marriage I was wondering how you built a happy marriage without having successful examples to follow?
I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question knowing what you've said in the past but are you going to use your Twitter account?
Has a caller/debate opponent ever changed your mind about something ?
If so, what did they help change your mind about ?
How do I confront my often verbally abusive dad about mistakes that I think he made as a parent when the response will be more verbal abuse?
What do you think of Bergson's statement that democracy is the only system compatible with dignity but has a small flaw... Doesn't promote meritocracy? (Hope I didn't distort too much)
Can someone in their 30’s have a personality change? Is it possible for an introvert to become an extrovert? Is the term “introvert” an excuse me and others use to not do the work of socializing (parts of which are challenging)… OR do you think this is created at a more genetic level?
Can I be extroverted and make a massive personality change in this stage of my life? Have you heard of the concept of athletes/performers using an “alter ego”.
Regarding marriage, why do you think the divorce rate is so high? Is it because up to 45% of relationships aren't built on virtue?
Actual question. If there are no minor children involved how do you feel about keeping your word re: marriage vows for better or worse and staying married even when unhappy as was tradition vs breaking up a marriage? When no one is actually trying to improve things?
What do you think accounts for the discrepancy in post Soviet republics and satellite states? Some places, namely Poland and Czech Republic, seem to have gone in the right direction in regards to expanding freedom of speech and civil liberties. Other places seem to be frozen in time, most are in a quagmire of corruption with little economic development to show for after 30 years since dissolution of the USSR.
If love is our involuntary response to virtue (if we are virtuous), does this also apply to parental love? If so, what virtues do children display to make a parent love them?
Is it acceptable under peaceful parenting to take a toy from your child to pay a debt they owe for being badly behaved?
For me, the concept of soulmate doesn't mean "no conflicts". It just means they are the most compatible partner—they're still going to trigger your fears like no other, because you're really getting close to someone and the stakes are the highest possible
yes! this is has big a big problem in my house. my wife always pulls the "I'm not getting paid" card
Hey Stef, are females and males equally propagandized? I’m curious if there’s biological basis.
If unrealistic expectations are harmful to longterm relationships, does this include the idea of romance? What are your thoughts on the concept of romance and its relationship to virtue if any.
In order for a model of virtue to be understood and accepted by society on a large scale, does it need to be embodied in the form of a story or human life, like that of the Buddha or Jesus?
Do you think being good at philosophy is a super power? If so, why aren't there any super heroes who are great philosophers?
Just want to thank you for helping change mine & my wife's lives. It took us both 20 years to work through childhood trauma that immobilized both of us. Now we have a marriage I wouldn't change for anything. We want kids but we are in our 40s and it took a long time to get hear for us.
Jordan Peterson believes that the bible was succesful because of its story telling capacity and embodiement of virtue in the form of a person like Jesus. He's skeptical of Sam Harris' approach to objective morality based on science because its too sterile. Is it possible for morality to be too sterile?
Stef I asked a lady I am dating what's her salary and she refused to tell me. We been dating for a month
Dr. Laura got the concept. Wives keep hubby happy and he will be happy to do all the little things and big things that will make you want to be happy. Her example, look at him like your knight in shining armour and act like it, and he'll cross the burning desert barefoot to bring her a lemonade. The power to be happy is within her own power. They cancelled her 20 years ago. You are in great company @freedomain
What do you think of Sam Harris' attempt to derive morality from science. Is it true that you can't derive an ought from an is?
Do you support Prince Harry exposing the truth about innerworkings of the Royal Family?
My brother said that there aren't bad people, only bad actions. How do I process this? He harmed some people as a teenager so maybe this is his way of processing his dark past, but is this indicative also of the skepticism towards moral truths?
All donors get the Peaceful Parenting book / audiobook / AI access to share with any and all parents you know who need help!
In this episode, we delve into the complexities of personal relationships and societal issues, starting with the lawsuit by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops against former President Trump regarding immigrant resettlement funding. We analyze familial dynamics and the differing emotional responses elicited by sons and daughters, while also critiquing media consumption habits related to police accountability.
The conversation shifts to digital entrepreneurship, highlighting the need for a consumer-focused mindset and the emotional investment of creators. We explore the connections between love, trauma, and moral choices, ultimately emphasizing the importance of personal accountability and virtue. This episode encourages listeners to reflect on their journeys and strive for healthier relationships rooted in shared insights and community support.
"When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, 'Woman, behold your son!' Then He said to the disciple, 'Behold your mother!' And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home."
John 19:26-27
New King James Version
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See you soon!
Sent this to a girl I like… “Hey (name) ,
I was just thinking about you, would you like to get coffee sometime?”
Left on read on Facebook messenger so may either follow up or move on in a week. I texted her four months ago but she wasn’t too responsive.
We went to college together but haven’t really spoken since then which was a few years ago
Met her once between then but that was it
Any suggestions?
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