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Hi there, this is Stefan Molyneux - welcome to Freedomain, the Locals community! One of the last homes for real philosophy in the world!

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Divorced, remarried, I have one boy from the first marriage and two boys from the second one. After my first son was born, I managed to gradually work myself into one of these two horrible choices: catastrophic marriage or catastrophic divorce. I chose the second one out of selfishness and fear that I would replicate my parent's marriage. I denied my older son the joy of seeing his parents in love and I will forever be sorry for that.

When I had my second boy with my current wife, she became very cold and distant to the one from the first marriage, which I suppose is quite normal when having to take care of a baby.

But after all this time she still seems reluctant to fully accept my firstborn into our family when he's with us. I know that philosophy is about prevention, not cure, and I'm sure that my kids will never end up where I am right now, but any tips on how to help my family be happier would be greatly appreciated.

Oh Stefan! I would love a show on how to throw an amazing dinner party! Sounds like you're a pro at it!

Hey Stef, we have antibiotics, internet, relative peace and freedom and I most probably will not die as a drafted soldier, but I am still unable to feel gratitude and make myself happier just because my ancestors lived in incomparably worse conditions. Even if I am the 2nd wealthiest generation in the World history I tend to perceive myself as a tax slave in a luxury barn. Would you have any tips on how to practice gratitude and how to teach gratitude to my children?

How to wish well rationally?
In your presentation "Vampire Love Kills!" you describe that stating "you're lucky" means admitting helplessness to achieve goals like having a six pack through hard work at the gym. Is "Freedomain dot com slash donate" the new well wishing phrase? You keep referring to the shortness of your remaining days which is depressing.


Thank you for answering my previous question regarding the rationality of child abuse. I’d like to continue that discussion if possible by raising a few points. First I’d like to clarify why this matters to me personally because without the context, I think we might misunderstand our intentions.

My brother recently became a parent. I tried to advocate for peaceful parenting (this was before you finished the book), and he said he trusted more in how he was raised, with corporal punishment. The typical points of “I turned out fine”, etc were raised by him. It was a lost cause, and by the end of it, he felt as though his honour was challenged by me calling it cowardly. He wanted to spar with me in a ring for 5 rounds as a way for me to prove my point (he’s older than me by 4 years and also more muscular). The only other way he’d accept my proof would be through raising my own children peacefully and seeing what kind of adults they would be. At that point course, the damage to his own children would already be done.

Long story short this was the end of our relationship. I have grieved, and I’m still in the process of accepting things, but a part of that process for me is steel manning his position. Maybe in seeing it completely destroyed I’ll have more peace of mind. As such in Part 2, I shall continue to play devils advocate. There might appear to be some level of disassociation in part 2 since there is clearly an emotional undercurrent to this discussion. A call-in might be good, but for this I prefer the slower process of contemplating and responding through argumentation. The emotions are still being processed and this sore emotional underbelly might also be why I haven’t yet read peaceful parenting.

First I think you made a few fantastic points which are worth repeating and rephrasing just to make sure I understand you.

1. “If you can’t hit any characteristic of a child, how can you hit a child?” I.e. if there is no justification for violence against someone with a single characteristic of a child, how can violence be justified when you have those characteristics in aggregate?
2. “Rationality is an abstract thing and abstract things judge abstract things. You don’t judge particular actions, you judge arguments. It’s a category error to say that reason should judge individual actions.” I.e. Reason is a standard that we use for judging the quality of abstractions. If we want to judge the quality of actions outside of practicality, we use morality.
3. “Practicality is taking the steps in order to achieve a goal. Morality is universally preferable behaviour.” I.e. something is given the quality of being ‘practical’ when it makes it likely that a given goal will be achieved. Something is given the quality of being ‘moral’ when it is universally preferred and enforceable.

With these points in mind, I have a question regarding point 3. If the act of copying yourself / reproduction is universally observed across all living organisms, does this qualify as a universally preferable behaviour? Since morality is exclusive to human beings, then does reproduction both (physically or memetically) qualify as a universally preferable behaviour since human beings show a universal preference for this?

If it is universally preferable to reproduce, with memetic reproduction as one part of this process, then child abuse can be considered a form of memetic reproduction that has a moral status because it is an enforceable subset of a universally preferable behaviour (reproduction). On the other hand, memetic and physical reproduction is goal oriented and practical. Since you made a distinction earlier between the practical and the moral, is this not a case of the two overlapping? If the two can overlap, then are we back to the point I was arguing earlier of rationality and practically overlapping, since you said that morality is a subset of reason.

The key mechanism here is to first say that reproduction is a UPB. Then to say that child abuse is a form of reproduction (memetic). Once child abuse is seen as a form of reproduction, it has moral and rational status. On the other hand, reproduction is also practical. Therefore, you have the moral/ rational intersecting with the practical.

Thank you in advance.

I am struggling with how to navigate raising children: should I participate in creating the belief that Santa Claus exist ?

I don’t have children, but actively planning to have children.

I’m leaning towards not wanting to participate in creating the belief in Santa Claus because it seems like a huge deception. When I explain to people why I don’t find it healthy for children to be deceived then I’m typically met with “oh! you have to! it’s just for fun! it’s magical! It’s Christmas! It’s part of childhood!”

My best answer would be to explain to my children that Santa Claus is not real, explain the concept, and allow them to enjoy the fictional character.

( Then , I’ll face the problem when my child tells other children that Santa Claus is fictional, future podcast question I suppose, lol)

Recently, you’ve said that Izzy is quick to identify contradictions because you’ve never asked her to believe in contradictions.

I recall the age I realized Santa Claus wasn’t real, but feared if I let anyone know then I wouldn’t be getting as many gifts. This led me to develop an ability to deceive the “giver” into “yes, I’ll believe what you want in order for me to get what I want”.

It all seems so innocent when looking at a fat jolly man dressed in a red suit.

Is Santa Claus (maybe include Easter bunny, tooth fairy, other pagan folk lore, etc) a contradiction that Izzy was never asked to believe in?


Hello Stefan!

My first question is: How can I become a more content person?

For example, I fall into a cycle of saying, "This is going to be our forever home!" and then after a few years, I start dreaming of something bigger and better, getting excited about the prospect of moving again. I can't seem to go 3-4 years without feeling the itch to move up!

My second question is: Why am I struggling with feeling left out?

Maybe my two questions are somehow linked. Lately in my community and circle of mom/homeschooling/neighborhood friends, I've been aware of recent instances where I haven't been invited to join a dinner or gathering. Logically, I tell myself that it's okay! We live in a small town and I don't have to be invited to everything! Emotionally it still hurts though.

Thank you!


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All donors get the Peaceful Parenting book / audiobook / AI access to share with any and all parents you know who need help!



Hi Stef, not sure if this is much of an argument but I had something I'd like your thoughts on. Some creative writing on my part combined with some skepticism inspired by one of your characters from the 'The Future', I think you might know who I'm talking about. Feel free to rebut this with some creative writing too if you find it appropriate. :)

"Do we mirror reality, and if so which parts of reality?"

"Are animals not a part of reality? And are we not more animal than object? Why then should we look towards objects as a source of direction for how we should live our lives?"

"Contradiction? Bah. Only heaven itself can afford the luxury of consistency. When put inside of a mortal body, I dare say even the sun itself would have days that it would feel like hiding its glorious light."

"To live according to logic and rationality is to try to make ourselves Gods. But we are not. We have the capacity to see a glimpse of godhood, but so long as we need to eat, sleep and reproduce, we will forever remain ...

How to Spot Scams!

In this episode, I explore investment strategies amid rising inflation, advocating for tangible assets over traditional ones like cash. I reflect on how my philosophy has influenced listeners' views on atheism and parenting.
We discuss Solana and my skepticism about its efficiency, focusing on the trade-offs between decentralization and centralization in tech. I highlight the importance of recognizing both advantages and disadvantages in all decisions and urge listeners to engage with credible sources that acknowledge inherent complexities.


Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more!

See you soon!


My intellectual journal from 32 years ago...

Audio! LMK what you think!

My intellectual journal from 32 years ago...
Rage at Women Dancing?!?

Wednesday Night Live 28 August 2024

The August 28, 2024 radio show addresses relationships and mental health through engaging caller discussions. A mental health professional shares their struggle with loneliness, leading to insights on self-care and childhood influences. Another caller expresses concerns about marriage and attraction, prompting the host to emphasize mutual respect in long-term partnerships. The show explores societal subcultures, like the "furry" community, and the psychological issues connected to them. Practical advice on parenthood stresses shared responsibilities in family life, while discussions on women's public expressions of joy challenge societal gender norms. The episode highlights the importance of community and genuine connections amid modern challenges.


Join the PREMIUM philosophy...

Rage at Women Dancing?!?
Why Daddy Wasn't Home... Freedomain Call In

In this profound discussion, I delve into the personal struggles of a married woman as she navigates conflicts with her husband and confronts unresolved issues stemming from her upbringing. We explore the impact of familial dynamics on her current challenges, particularly dissecting her brother's behavior and the parental influences that shaped it. By unraveling past traumas and evaluating the role of parental support, we uncover the deep-seated roots of her struggles and highlight the importance of self-reflection in understanding and overcoming familial complexities. Ultimately, we encourage introspection towards fostering healthier relationships and confronting the lingering effects of early-life experiences on her journey towards healing.

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!


Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive ...

Why Daddy Wasn't Home... Freedomain Call In
Coming soon...

A five-part series where I am interviewed about core philosophical principles...

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Btw, just wanted to state, i just did the math with cashapp’s fees and its realistic to flip BTC, using their lightning Network. So far (still testing a few things) buying/selling works and it looks like i should receive a deposit to my bank account soon. I tested very small amount and im working on a Layer 2 test with more money. FYI, its kinda wonky, giving bitcoin out personally to friends, because it took us about a Month for him to receive my payment— not sure when exactly he received it yet but it disnt show up on his end, until he checked today, which is roughly four weeks from when i sent it; which is exactly a common complaint with Cash Apps Lightning Network. I would suggest, maybe start with 10$ and sell when youre at 11$ and do similar testing yourself. You will profit with all fees between buying and selling are around 4%, combined, but do your own homework, im just giving a blurry, bird’s eye view. Fees on other platforms were always too high for me to make a ...

Does anyone know what website to go to for signing up for the FDR meet up in Florida this December? I have looked on locals, his main website and the meetup website and I can't find it.

Thank you very much to anyone who can help, I read the newsletter where one of the meetups in Florida was canceled and then I heard him ask people to sign up in a show from last week. If there is still a meet up being planned. I will definitely go.

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