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Hi there, this is Stefan Molyneux - welcome to Freedomain, the Locals community! One of the last homes for real philosophy in the world!

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This is a place where we strive to achieve the truth through consistent virtue - a great playground for innovative ideas and interactions!
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Btw, just wanted to state, i just did the math with cashapp’s fees and its realistic to flip BTC, using their lightning Network. So far (still testing a few things) buying/selling works and it looks like i should receive a deposit to my bank account soon. I tested very small amount and im working on a Layer 2 test with more money. FYI, its kinda wonky, giving bitcoin out personally to friends, because it took us about a Month for him to receive my payment— not sure when exactly he received it yet but it disnt show up on his end, until he checked today, which is roughly four weeks from when i sent it; which is exactly a common complaint with Cash Apps Lightning Network. I would suggest, maybe start with 10$ and sell when youre at 11$ and do similar testing yourself. You will profit with all fees between buying and selling are around 4%, combined, but do your own homework, im just giving a blurry, bird’s eye view. Fees on other platforms were always too high for me to make a profit, but im just saying and i want to earnestly caution, you may lose your money or have it in hiding for months or even years if you want to make profit or break even to sell and lets also add, that that includes that we are trusting Cash App or whatever platform you use, to be secure enough, you don't have access to your keys, so its not like anything with cold storage, which is scary because they don't have a Customer service if your funds suddenly disappear. I wouldnt trust trading anything you can't affors to lose. GL

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All donors get the Peaceful Parenting book / audiobook / AI access to share with any and all parents you know who need help!


The Evolution of KARENS!

"Women in power. Especially the HR Karen's hellbent in turning every organization into their personal powerplay fantasy. Not a particularly brilliant question, but I would value your insight. Your thoughts?"


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Hi Stef, not sure if this is much of an argument but I had something I'd like your thoughts on. Some creative writing on my part combined with some skepticism inspired by one of your characters from the 'The Future', I think you might know who I'm talking about. Feel free to rebut this with some creative writing too if you find it appropriate. :)

"Do we mirror reality, and if so which parts of reality?"

"Are animals not a part of reality? And are we not more animal than object? Why then should we look towards objects as a source of direction for how we should live our lives?"

"Contradiction? Bah. Only heaven itself can afford the luxury of consistency. When put inside of a mortal body, I dare say even the sun itself would have days that it would feel like hiding its glorious light."

"To live according to logic and rationality is to try to make ourselves Gods. But we are not. We have the capacity to see a glimpse of godhood, but so long as we need to eat, sleep and reproduce, we will forever remain ...

My intellectual journal from 32 years ago...

Audio! LMK what you think!

My intellectual journal from 32 years ago...
Rage at Women Dancing?!?

Wednesday Night Live 28 August 2024

The August 28, 2024 radio show addresses relationships and mental health through engaging caller discussions. A mental health professional shares their struggle with loneliness, leading to insights on self-care and childhood influences. Another caller expresses concerns about marriage and attraction, prompting the host to emphasize mutual respect in long-term partnerships. The show explores societal subcultures, like the "furry" community, and the psychological issues connected to them. Practical advice on parenthood stresses shared responsibilities in family life, while discussions on women's public expressions of joy challenge societal gender norms. The episode highlights the importance of community and genuine connections amid modern challenges.


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Rage at Women Dancing?!?
Why Daddy Wasn't Home... Freedomain Call In

In this profound discussion, I delve into the personal struggles of a married woman as she navigates conflicts with her husband and confronts unresolved issues stemming from her upbringing. We explore the impact of familial dynamics on her current challenges, particularly dissecting her brother's behavior and the parental influences that shaped it. By unraveling past traumas and evaluating the role of parental support, we uncover the deep-seated roots of her struggles and highlight the importance of self-reflection in understanding and overcoming familial complexities. Ultimately, we encourage introspection towards fostering healthier relationships and confronting the lingering effects of early-life experiences on her journey towards healing.

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!


Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive ...

Why Daddy Wasn't Home... Freedomain Call In

Happy to take more questions frens! :)

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, the Real-Time Relationships AI, the BitCoin AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, donor-only previews, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more!

See you soon!

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September 18, 2024

Does anyone know what website to go to for signing up for the FDR meet up in Florida this December? I have looked on locals, his main website and the meetup website and I can't find it.

Thank you very much to anyone who can help, I read the newsletter where one of the meetups in Florida was canceled and then I heard him ask people to sign up in a show from last week. If there is still a meet up being planned. I will definitely go.

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Part 3: My intellectual journal from 32 years ago...
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PART 2 - My philosophical writings from 1992...
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