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The Story of Your Enslavement

A Parable

This is the story of your enslavement; how it came to be, and you can finally be free...

Like all living things, human beings want to dominate and exploit the resources around them. At first, we mostly hunted and fished and ate off the land – but then something magical and terrible happened to our minds.

We became, alone among the animals, afraid of death, and of future loss.

And this was the start of a great tragedy, and an even greater possibility...

When we became afraid of death, of injury, and imprisonment, we became controllable -- and so valuable -- in a way that no other resource could ever be.

The greatest resource for any human being to control is not natural resources, or tools, or animals or land -- but other human beings.

You can frighten an animal of course, because animals are afraid of pain in the moment, but you cannot frighten an animal with a loss of liberty, or with torture or imprisonment in the future, because animals have very little sense of tomorrow.

You cannot threaten a cow with torture, or a sheep with death. You cannot swing a sword at a tree and scream at it to produce more fruit, or hold a burning torch to a field and demand more wheat.

You cannot get more eggs by threatening a hen - but you can get a man to give you his eggs by threatening him.


Human farming has been the most profitable -- and destructive -- occupation throughout history, and it is now reaching its destructive climax.

Human society cannot be rationally understood until it is seen for what it is: a series of farms where human farmers own human livestock.

Some people get confused because governments provide healthcare and water and education and roads, and thus imagine that there is some benevolence at work.

Nothing could be further from reality.

Farmers provide healthcare and irrigation and training to their livestock.

Some people get confused because we are allowed certain liberties, and thus imagine that our government protects our freedoms.

But farmers plant their crops a certain distance apart to increase their yields -- and will allow certain animals larger stalls or fields if it means they will produce more meat and milk.

In your country, your tax farm, your farmer grants you certain freedoms not because he cares about your liberties, but because he wants to increase his profits.

Are you beginning to see the nature of the cage you were born into?

There have been four major phases of human farming.

The first phase, in ancient Egypt, was direct and brutal human compulsion. Human bodies were controlled, but the creative productivity of the human mind remained outside the reach of the whip and the brand and the shackles. Slaves remained woefully underproductive, and required enormous resources to control.

The second phase was the Roman model, wherein slaves were granted some capacity for freedom, ingenuity and creativity, which raised their productivity. This increased the wealth of Rome, and thus the tax income of the Roman government – and with this additional wealth, Rome became an empire, destroying the economic freedoms that fed its power, and collapsed.

I'm sure that this does not seem entirely unfamiliar.

After the collapse of Rome, the feudal model introduced the concept of livestock ownership and taxation. Instead of being directly owned, peasants farmed land that they could retain as long as they paid off the local warlords. This model broke down due to the continual subdivision of productive land, and was destroyed during the Enclosure movement, when land was consolidated, and hundreds of thousands of peasants were kicked off their ancestral lands, because new farming techniques made larger farms more productive with fewer people.

The increased productivity of the late Middle Ages created the excess food required for the expansion of towns and cities, which in turn gave rise to the modern Democratic model of human ownership.

As displaced peasants flooded into the cities, a huge stock of cheap human capital became available to the rising industrialists - and the ruling class of human farmers quickly realized that they could make more money by letting their livestock choose their own occupations.

Under the Democratic model, direct slave ownership has been replaced by the Mafia model. The Mafia rarely owns businesses directly, but rather sends thugs around once a month to steal from the business “owners.”

You are now allowed to choose your own occupation, which raises your productivity – and thus the taxes you can pay to your masters.

Your few freedoms are preserved because they are profitable to your owners.

The great challenge of the Democratic model is that increases in wealth and freedom threaten the farmers. The ruling classes initially profit from a relatively free market in capital and labor, but as their livestock become more used to their freedoms and growing wealth, they begin to question why they need rulers at all.

Ah well. Nobody ever said that human farming was easy.

Keeping the tax livestock securely in the compounds of the ruling classes is a three phase process.

The first is to indoctrinate the young through government “education.” As the wealth of democratic countries grew, government schools were universally inflicted in order to control the thoughts and souls of the livestock.

The second is to turn citizens against each other through the creation of dependent livestock.

It is very difficult to rule human beings directly through force -- and where it can be achieved, it remains cripplingly underproductive, as can be seen in North Korea. Human beings do not breed well or produce efficiently in direct captivity.

If human beings believe that they are free, then they will produce much more for their farmers. The best way to maintain this illusion of freedom is to put some of the livestock on the payroll of the farmer. Those cows that become dependent on the existing hierarchy will then attack any other cows who point out the violence, hypocrisy and immorality of human ownership.

Freedom is slavery, and slavery is freedom.

If you can get the cows to attack each other whenever anybody brings up the reality of their situation, then you don't have to spend nearly as much controlling them directly.

Those cows who become dependent upon the stolen largess of the farmer will violently oppose any questioning of the virtue of human ownership -- and the intellectual and artistic classes, always and forever dependent upon the farmers -- will say, to anyone who demands freedom from ownership: “You will harm your fellow cows.”

The livestock are kept enclosed by shifting the moral responsibility for the destructiveness of a violent system to those who demand real freedom.

The third phase is to invent continual external threats, so that the frightened livestock cling to the “protection” of the farmers.

This system of human farming is now nearing its end.

The terrible tragedy of the modern American system has occurred not in spite of, but because of past economic freedoms.

The massive increases in American wealth throughout the 19th century resulted from economic freedom -- and it was this very increase in wealth that fed the size and power of the state.

Whenever the livestock become exponentially more productive, you get a corresponding increase in the number of farmers and their dependents.

The growth of the state is always proportional to the preceding economic freedoms.

Economic freedoms create wealth, and the wealth attracts more thieves and political parasites, whose greed then destroys the economic freedoms.

In other words, freedom metastasizes the cancer of the state.

The government that starts off the smallest will always end up the largest.

This is why there can be no viable and sustainable alternative to a truly free and peaceful society.

A society without political rulers, without human ownership, without the violence of taxation and statism...

To be truly free is both very easy, and very hard.

We avoid the horror of our enslavement because it is painful to see it directly.

We dance around the violence of our dying system because we fear the attacks of our fellow livestock.

But we can only be kept in the cages we refuse to see.

Wake up…

To see the farm is to leave it.

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Something amazing...

EVERYONE who donates in May gets a copy of the eBook and Audiobook of PEACEFUL PARENTING!

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In this deep conversation, we explore the complexities of navigating past trauma in current relationships with a caller feeling stuck in a seven-year relationship marked by conflicting emotions and a long-distance ultimatum. Unraveling the impact of childhood experiences on adult relationships, we delve into the caller's upbringing, struggles with anorexia, childhood bullying, and family pressures. Reflecting on family dynamics, we highlight the challenging relationships with both the caller's and their girlfriend's parents, shedding light on emotional struggles and unresolved issues. The discussion progresses to analyzing the implications of unresolved issues on the relationship and future family dynamics, emphasizing self-ownership, unconditional love, and setting boundaries to navigate relationships successfully.

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Sunday Morning Live 5 May 2024

Today, we explored a range of topics, from discussing the unique attributes of different states to delving into Naomi Wolf's experience with deplatforming. We also examined social dynamics, the complexities of friendships, and the impact of conformity on relationships. Emphasizing personal responsibility and growth, we shared anecdotes and insights on challenging oneself and avoiding excuses. Overall, we encouraged listeners to embrace challenges, self-improvement, and perseverance for reaching their full potential.

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!


Friday Night Live 3 May 2024

In this episode of Friday Night Live, we discuss the completion of the Peaceful Parenting book and the significance of feedback. We reflect on the balance between praise and criticism for personal growth, sharing personal experiences of feedback reception. Emphasizing the importance of emotional support and genuine feedback, we highlight the transformative power of generosity and self-worth in relationships and individual development.

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!

Women vs Bears!

Wednesday Night Live 1 May 2024

In this live show, we discuss communication complexities, Bitcoin market changes, and societal structures. Emphasizing truth and virtue for an enlightened society, we explore Bitcoin's volatility, societal safety perceptions, and the influence of music genres on culture. Delving into the neglect of children's well-being in history, we advocate for peaceful parenting practices and addressing childhood trauma for societal betterment.

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!

Women vs Bears!

Would you date a vegan? Motivate your answer in the comments if you wish.

"Dating is the process of looking for empirical evidence for stated value compatibility."
-Peaceful Parenting

@freedomain Liked your no excuses, so I'm slowly listening to PP. Ch2 was good, I especially liked how you proved that claims of love of children are not equivalent to loving children.

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In the vast tapestry of human experience, this collection of premium content stands as a beacon of reflection and introspection! Each episode is a journey into the complexities of our shared existence. From the intricate dance of self-forgiveness to the harrowing tales of personal adversity, these moments of life challenge, provoke, and inspire.

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Thanks for all your support my friends - if you could take a look at these draft ebooks, I would really appreciate it!



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Peaceful Parenting Part 26
The end...

Discussion on parental excuses impact parenting behaviors. Advocates empathy, conflict resolution, prioritizing children over punishment. Encourages rethinking norms for peaceful parenting.

2024, Stefan Molyneux
Peaceful Parenting

Brief Summary
In this enlightening discussion, we explored the intricate world of parental excuses and their impact on parenting behaviors. The speaker categorized common justifications for parental aggression towards children and highlighted the historical context often used to rationalize such actions. Emphasizing the complexity of parent-child relationships, the conversation scrutinized moral standards applied to parents and children, challenging inconsistencies and advocating for improved conflict resolution skills over punitive measures. The episode also delved into the effects of different parenting styles on discipline and children's well-being, stressing the importance of prioritizing children's needs and fostering mutual understanding and empathy in parent-child interactions. Ultimately, the lecture encouraged listeners to reconsider traditional parenting norms, promote compassionate familial relationships, and embrace peaceful parenting practices for the betterment of all involved.

0:00 Parental Excuses
0:27 Reasonable Parental Excuses
1:36 The Pattern of Parental Excuses
1:58 Different Moral Standards for Adults and Children
2:38 Parents' Responsibilities vs. Children's Chores
4:17 Absolutes in Parenting Situations
4:53 Examples of Parental Excuses
10:26 Moving Forward Excuse
12:09 Threatening with Parental Authority
12:59 Parents' Lack of Curiosity About Children's Problems
14:00 Parenting Jokes and Excuses
14:25 Excuse of "Just Joking"
15:43 Parents' Double Standards in Communication
18:01 Parents' Rules in Comparison to Hotel Rules
18:24 Hypocrisy in Parental Behavior
21:25 Incremental Improvements vs. Principles
24:40 Parental Claim of "Hurts Me More"
25:49 Misinterpretation of Biblical Texts
29:03 Comparison Excuses in Parenting
29:56 Excuse of "You'll Understand When You're a Parent"
30:46 Sibling Conflicts Excuse
34:08 Excuse of "That's How I Was Raised"
36:16 Excuse of "They Turned Out Fine"
38:07 Imaginary Disaster Scenarios Excuse
39:34 No Excuse for Children, No Excuse for Parents
42:22 Free Will vs. Environmental Determinism in Parenting
44:06 Challenges of Being a Peaceful Parent
1:06:00 The Shadows Cast by Your Actions
1:19:21 Transparent and Pathetic Manipulation
1:28:19 The Promise of Imaginary Future Benefits


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