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Philosopher Stefan Molyneux discusses the George Orwell classic "Animal Farm" with his 11 year old daughter...

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An Epic Short!

The apex of the recent 'NEVER STOP JUDGING' livestream!

Please, be a Sharon not a Karen. 😎 ...and share, share, share these clips!

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My Mom Had 5 Kids with a Married Man! Freedomain Call In

Stefan supports a caller in addressing personal struggles like chronic pain and family issues, encouraging introspection, accountability, and transformative growth for building meaningful connections.

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!


"What are your thoughts on the morality of gambling and making money from gamblers? It doesnt seem to violate UPB or the non-aggression principle, but to me its always seemed scummy and manipulative. Instead of providing any value these businesses make money off of dumb people's inability to discern probabilities."

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!


Sunday Morning Live 21 April 2024

I share a humorous story of succumbing to carrot cake temptation while striving to avoid sugar, emphasizing the balance between willpower and occasional indulgence. The conversation covers food struggles, nutritional insights, and philosophical reflections. We touch on sugar substitutes, spinach myths, dating dynamics, and women's societal expectations. Delving into relationship complexities, divorce impacts, and attraction dynamics, we critique societal norms and discuss forgiveness, moral judgment, and accountability's significance.

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!


Friday Night Live 19 April 2024

Join philosopher Stefan Molyneux for the BitCoin halving of 2024, World War III predictions, and the importance of overcoming excuses!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!


Wednesday Night Live 17 April 2024

In a thought-provoking episode of Wednesday Night Live, we explore the UK's push for a smoke-free generation by banning tobacco sales to those born after 2008. We discuss the government's stance on nicotine, compare it with marijuana legalization, and touch on societal views of smoking and cannabis.

Delving into moral dilemmas, we ponder altruism, moral obligations, and ethics. By discussing relationships and notions of exploitation versus value, we stress communication and respect for healthy connections.

Transitioning to dating dynamics, we examine gender roles, empathy, and the impact of maternal influences. Emphasizing self-acceptance, we promote embracing authenticity and compassion for oneself and others.

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium...


Welp...looks like we can go ahead and add dinosaurs to the ever-expanding list of things that are not only fake, but gay as well.

If anyone is interested in going down this rabbit hole, this fellow over at Substack has authored a very well-researched and humorous expose on the topic.

Exclusive For Donors Only: HOW TO HAVE NEEDS! - Freedomain Call-in

Check out this great call in and hundreds of other donor-only shows and perks in the Premium Content preview:

Brief Summary

Stefan delves into the complexities of relationships and personal values through various callers’ experiences. One caller opens up about issues of trust after betrayal by a partner, while another discusses struggles with self-esteem and interpreting social cues due to autism. Stefan emphasizes empathy, self-awareness, and setting boundaries in relationships. The conversation also explores childhood experiences’ impact on adult relationships and the importance of authentic communication and self-care for healing and fostering healthy connections.

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Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting, Early access to new shows and series, StefBOT-AI, private ...

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Stef, I’ve been listening to some other (new to me) podcasts and I’ve heard your cancellation referenced with increasing frequency in recent months. These aren’t contemporaries of yours (I don’t think they existed before you were made the left’s enemy number one). The most recent one was a reaction to a Joe Rogan episode, with Tucker Carlson. One of the podcasters said something to the effect that Rogan hasn’t had an intellectual on his show with serious ideas since Stefan Molyneux. It’s not the first time I’ve heard you positively referenced in this way and it’s not the only podcast. Like I said, I don’t think they were active back in your pre ban time. I know this sort of thing isn’t a concern for you. Just passing this along to let you know that your ideas and influence are still wide afield. It appears that some of the people you positively influenced are not shy about saying so.

The observation above is intended to share some positive vibes.


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Freedomain Premium Content!
In the vast tapestry of human experience, this collection of premium content stands as a beacon of reflection and introspection! Each episode is a journey into the complexities of our shared existence. From the intricate dance of self-forgiveness to the harrowing tales of personal adversity, these moments of life challenge, provoke, and inspire.

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Peaceful Parenting Part 22

COVID-19 worsened global child abuse, hitting low-income countries hardest. Lecture stresses prevention, health effects of ACEs, and mental impact of verbal abuse, urging action for child safety.
2024, Stefan Molyneux

Peaceful Parenting

0:00 Global Prevalence of Child Abuse
3:38 Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Child Abuse
8:37 Insidious Changes and Long-term Effects of Lockdowns
10:43 The Bomb in the Brain
13:14 Adverse Childhood Experiences: ACE Study Introduction
15:45 Underreporting of Childhood Physical Abuse
20:10 Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences
26:41 Health Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
28:35 Types of Child Abuse and Their Consequences
39:33 Effects of Verbal Abuse on Children


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Peaceful Parenting Part 19

0:00 Introduction to Empathy
1:34 Understanding Emotions
2:51 The Role of Empathy in Relationships
3:46 The Power of Forgiveness
5:12 Consequences of Endless Forgiveness
6:33 Manipulation through Verbal Abuse
8:41 The Dynamics of Abuse Excusers
12:18 Enlisting Co-Abusers
13:42 The Role of Older Siblings
16:42 The Pressure to Appease
20:12 The Destructive Nature of Resentment
21:28 Lessons from Fire Drills
25:06 The Impact of Abusive Grandparents
30:08 The Importance of Strength
32:26 Lifelong Harm of Unforgiveness
37:09 Upholding Moral Clarity

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!

Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, the Truth About Sadism, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!

See you soon!

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