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Hi there, this is Stefan Molyneux - welcome to Freedomain, the Locals community! One of the last homes for real philosophy in the world!

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Let's Talk a Bit about Crowdstrike...

(Note: this is not an official Freedomain Team post, just something I wanted to share with other techies in the Locals community :) )

In the category of "things used to work," we have the recent Clownstrike debacle which brought down 8.5 million systems on Saturday, ensuring short-term overwork for scores of IT professionals.

Anyone who's been successful in tech can tell you at least a dozen things that had to be ignored or bypassed in order for this to happen at the scale that it did. To wit, here's a pretty good video covering 17 ways in which this should have been avoided:

It's worth noting this is the same organization that implicated "Russian hackers" for the DNC server leaks in 2016. I'm sure they were well paid for such a conclusion. It's also predictable that they're not paid for technical prowess. It's also not been their only public technical failure, only their biggest one to date.

It would be funny if it wasn't causing so much avoidable stress and trouble, as people have had medical care interrupted, been stranded at airports... and Clownstrike just isn't going to actually take responsibility, which at this point, they have to be incredibly careful what they say publicly. They're probably going to get sued no matter what, I bet it's all damage control now.

But, yeah, seeing an article like this is just sad:

Soooooo you're telling me that your bad code which failed due to a bad data file update getting deployed around the world passed your tests because your tests were also bad.

No, sorry, that's just not believable, there must be some other reason this all happened like it did... maybe it was the Russians again!!!

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All donors get the Peaceful Parenting book / audiobook / AI access to share with any and all parents you know who need help!



A deep, rousing speech from Wednesday Night Live, 4 September 2024... the best dating advice you will ever hear...


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Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more!

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Question My Integrity?!?

"In the last couple of weeks, you have repeatedly reiterated your stance that you don't believe in a soul or any other sort of divine essence that could be "dug out" or set free and give people the ability to change. Yet empirical evidence shows that you spend an enormous amount of time talking to people attempting to do just that — showing them the parts of themselves that have been hurt and giving them the tools to protect and nurture those parts in order to heal and improve their lives. You have also repeatedly used phrases such as "selling your soul to the devil", "soul murder", etc.

"Isn't that evidence that you actually DO believe in a soul (even if perhaps it is not immortal and can be damaged beyond repair or somehow sold for material profit) or some similar construct? Because otherwise, it would seem to imply that all of your work is merely entertainment..."

"Hi Stefan, thanks for the forum and time you give to the community, you’ve helped tremendously over the years. I’ll do my ...

My intellectual journal from 32 years ago...

Audio! LMK what you think!

My intellectual journal from 32 years ago...
Rage at Women Dancing?!?

Wednesday Night Live 28 August 2024

The August 28, 2024 radio show addresses relationships and mental health through engaging caller discussions. A mental health professional shares their struggle with loneliness, leading to insights on self-care and childhood influences. Another caller expresses concerns about marriage and attraction, prompting the host to emphasize mutual respect in long-term partnerships. The show explores societal subcultures, like the "furry" community, and the psychological issues connected to them. Practical advice on parenthood stresses shared responsibilities in family life, while discussions on women's public expressions of joy challenge societal gender norms. The episode highlights the importance of community and genuine connections amid modern challenges.


Join the PREMIUM philosophy...

Rage at Women Dancing?!?
Why Daddy Wasn't Home... Freedomain Call In

In this profound discussion, I delve into the personal struggles of a married woman as she navigates conflicts with her husband and confronts unresolved issues stemming from her upbringing. We explore the impact of familial dynamics on her current challenges, particularly dissecting her brother's behavior and the parental influences that shaped it. By unraveling past traumas and evaluating the role of parental support, we uncover the deep-seated roots of her struggles and highlight the importance of self-reflection in understanding and overcoming familial complexities. Ultimately, we encourage introspection towards fostering healthier relationships and confronting the lingering effects of early-life experiences on her journey towards healing.

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!


Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive ...

Why Daddy Wasn't Home... Freedomain Call In
We are working hard on a Freedomain Call In AI...

It will be available for donors soon...

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September 06, 2024

How much confidence do you have in the accuracy of election polls?

Fog is a paramount theme in a large amount of Stefan's call in shows
I still fog significantly but I had an epiphany and some more clarity about fog today. This might sound obvious but I think it is very helpful for me to know what it clearly is and why it happens.

Fog exists when we choose not to accept reality or who we are currently in the present.

Fog exists when we choose to not be fully honest to ourselves about our thoughts, actions/choices or feelings.

All the fog will fade away when we can be honest to ourselves about absolutely everything.

This is scary to hear for me as it means accepting even the more "shameful" thoughts, and bad choices we make.

Denial will not change anything, it'll only create further fog and shame. It is unkind as well to not accept all of our thoughts feelings, choices and emotions.

Acceptance does not mean endorsing the behaviour, it is merely accepting the facts in the present. That we feel this, think this, choose to do this.

Change can only occur once we fully accept ...

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PART 2 - My philosophical writings from 1992...
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